Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sloyd and Momento Moments

 I am sure teachers out there can relate:  

    You are sitting in a faculty meeting or at a professional development conference, learning about some new initiative, state mandate, or educational theory, and you think, “Isn't this what we used to do, or what we already do, but called by another name?”  Your “jargon translator” kicks in, and you add to an ever-growing list of synonyms in your head. “Ah, where the slöjd movement spoke of the benefits of handwork, Dewey’s pragmatists championed “learning by doing”, Piaget promoted “constructivism,” today we are discussing the benefits of “Maker-Centered Learning.”  This probably happens in other professions as well, but as a high school teacher I often felt that we had a sort of professional amnesia, doomed to revisit the same epiphanies over and over, like some real-life replaying of the movie Memento. 

Over time, and with a little perspective, I got to a place where I was less frustrated and more intrigued during these moments of pedagogical deja vu. If smart folks across time say similar things, I should be paying close attention.

    As I mentioned in earlier posts, this week I am kicking off an afterschool program for grade schoolers in wood carving and craft called “Carving Club”, and I have been using this as an opportunity to read up on the 19th century educational slöjd movement.  For those unfamiliar with slöjd, it was founded in 1865 by Finnish educator Uno Cygnaeus.  “Slöyd” or “slöjd,” derived from the Swedish word “slog” meaning “skillful,” is a system of handcraft education that is still practiced in Scandinavian schools to this day.  In English we might translate slöjd as “crafty”, if we focus on denotations like “skillful, clever, and artful” and less on connotations like ”guileful, designing, and tricky.”  The primary purpose of slöjd is not to make more woodworkers.  Indeed, slöjd class often focuses on materials other than wood, including fiber and paper folding.  The primary goal isn’t even to improve manual dexterity, though that is a secondary benefit.  Instead, the main goal of educational slöjd is to develop thinking habits and mental dispositions that can only be learned through handwork and tinkering.  In the mid-nineteenth century, Cygnaeus recognized that something significant was being lost in child development as the world rapidly industrialized.  Kids were no longer making the things they needed and, as a result, they were not developing thinking dispositions that came with making. Self-reliance, persistence, resilience, love for work, and neatness were all taught through making, and Cygnaeus wanted to include these lessons in primary school.    

    Since then educational movements have regularly circled back on the same ground covered by slöjd 160 years ago, from student-centered learning to the maker movement, from “grit” to “growth mindset”.  To help me get my head around the similarities and differences between slöjd and other educational movements, and in an attempt to identify best practices that seem to pop up repeatedly over time, I hope to write on some ways that slöjd fits within a larger educational context, including the work of John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, Howard Gardner, Ron Ritchhart, Dan Pink, Project-Based Learning, and the Maker Movement, name a few.  I am sure that list will change as I dive in, but, for now, that is where I am headed.  

Friday, January 24, 2025

Thinking with things

It has been nearly three years since I stepped away from teaching high school history, and while there is a lot I don’t miss about that job (like grading), I am still fascinated by pedagogy.  Thankfully, I have a few craft teaching gigs that scratch that itch, and one in particular has me really excited.  Hopefully, if we can fill a class, I will lead an afterschool slöjd class/“Carving Club” for third through fifth graders starting this March.  In preparation for this, I have rationalized that I must read up on educational slöjd and the history of teaching handicrafts.  And so my book pile is growing as I bounce from one read to another.

A lot of what I am reading has me thinking about my former profession in a new light.  The subjects that I taught, primarily U.S. History-related, were pretty cerebral.  I spent a lot of time weaving details together into a tapestry of intersecting stories that, I hoped, helped explain past and current events.  But the craft education that I am engaged in now has students “thinking about things” less and “thinking with things” more.  It is not that we only “thought about things” in my former classrooms. We certainly thought with things, like textbooks and notes, artifacts, and primary-source materials.  But in the craft classroom, there is a level of bodily engagement, reliance on senses, and manipulation of tools and materials that feels very different from the way I used to teach.  What are the best ways to teach a manual task, and what are the cognitive benefits of learning through one’s body?

Sarah Kuhn, in her book Transforming Learning Through Tangible Instruction, makes the case that thinking is “embodied,” and that the western/Cartesian mind/body split undermines learning.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, she argues that our bodies are the means through which our brains perceive the world, that sense perception and cognition are so intimately related that they are hard to tease apart, and that engaging our senses and most importantly manipulating things are central to learning.   While this may seem obvious, it is also clear that our classrooms and our pedagogy have become increasingly focused on rationalism and have lost touch with embodied thinking.  Our classrooms are laid out like sensory-deprivation chambers and our students are told to sit still in orderly rows and not to fidget.  If learning is “embodied,” isn’t such a classroom culture depriving students of learning?  How much of the recent explosion in ADHD diagnosis among our students is the result of better diagnostic tools and a greater sensitivity to neurodivergence, and how much is a result of frustrated educators medicating students so that they better fit the old classroom culture?  I don’t have answers for this, but it does make me excited to teach educational slöjd because that system is very much about “embodied” learning.

It is strange to me that today’s educational system has lost sight of notions like “embodied learning,” “tangible instruction,” and “thinking with things.”  There is a long history in western thought about the importance of learning through the senses.  Aristotle challenged Plato’s rationalism when he asserted that by trusting what our senses tell us we can understand our world and build knowledge.  Jean-Jacques Rousseau in the eighteenth century followed suit, arguing that “our first teachers in natural philosophy are our feet, hands, and eyes.  To substitute books for them does not teach us to reason, it teaches us to use the reason of others rather than our own” (39).  John Dewey and other Progressive educators of the early twentieth century made the point that it is only through experience and active exploration, what he called inquiry, that people learn.  This inquiry is the “conversation between a person’s interior states and the external circumstances in which she finds herself” (25).  Despite this rich tradition, Descartes’ “I think therefore I am” mind/body split nonsense seems to have won the day, and our classrooms and our teachers regularly treat kids like disembodied brains, whose bodies' only purpose is to get them to and from school.

A case in point that proves how much we have suppressed embodied learning is Kindergarten.  Invented in Germany by Fredrick Froebel in the mid-nineteenth century and introduced in the US by German immigrants, it was founded on the notion that education occurred through play and that by structuring such play one could accelerate understanding.  Up until about the 1910s and 20s, Kindergarten involved teachers giving students a series of “gifts,” —balls, dice, cylinders, blocks, etc…— and assigning a sequence of tasks that would encourage children to explore patterns, shapes, and symmetry, and thereby support the development of inquiry and experimentation.  Along with singing and gardening, this system of structured play would stimulate sensorimotor development and encourage children to build understanding through interacting with their environment.  The Kindergarten classrooms of today retain almost none of their original pedagogy, such that we now only consider Kindergarten as the grade before first.  But Americans did experience many decades of this type of education, and I can’t help but wonder what impact on cognitive and personal growth such a classroom might have.  Anecdotally, from these classrooms came the likes of Piet Mondrian, the founders of Bauhaus, and other modernists who explored a new geometrical aesthetic, as well as Buckminster Fuller and Frank Lloyd Wright who brought us geodesic domes and geometric architecture.  Fuller and Wright both spoke about how central playing with blocks was to their intellectual growth.  Even Robert J. Oppenheimer, a product of a related pedagogical system, described his three passions when he was ten to twelve years old: “minerals, writing poems and reading, and building with blocks still—architecture” (48).  What thinking skills and cognitive patterns have our students lost as we turned away from tangible instruction?

And so, I am enjoying wading into course design again.  What carving projects and skills will I teach, and in what sequence will I teach them, so that students build the dexterity and strength to handle a slöjd knife?  How will I break complex tasks into elemental steps in a way that helps students develop that faculty in themselves?  How will I create a classroom culture that values self-reliance, grit, creativity, love for work, neatness, and most of all, fun?  

Friday, January 17, 2025

Locking Lidded Box, finishing the notches and tabs

Someone who follows me on Instagram asked that I explain how I carve the notches and tabs for locking-lidded boxes.  Here you go.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Carving Club

    After some positive conversations with local families and with the support of Tinkerhaus, a maker space in Newburyport, MA, I am excited to announce that we will be offering an afterschool slöjd/whittling program for grades 3-5 starting in March, 2025.  For a while now, I have been exploring the slöjd educational system in Scandinavian countries, reading folks like Otto Salomon and Gustaf Larsson and following the progress of the Sloyd Experience program in Louisville, CO. It seems well aligned with all sorts of recent research on growth mindset and grit, but I have shied away from trying to start a slöjd class because they traditionally center on bench work and I don’t want to lug around 6-8 small benches!  But with some encouragement from Max Sconyers from Cambridgeshire, UK and Ty Thornock from the US, both of which offer sloyd for 8-10 year olds,  I will offer a slöjd class more focused on carving and less on carpentry.  The class is not live on the Tinkerhaus website yet, but will be soon.

    For those interested, here are a few more details:


Designed for children grades 3-5, Carving Club introduces young people to the world of green wood carving.  Students will learn safe and efficient knife techniques as they advance through a series of progressively more challenging carving projects, from “dice” to “magic wands,” from “roosters” to “Roma Flowers,” from “foxes” to “peg boards.”  Based on the Scandinavian “slöjd” educational model, this class’s ultimate goal is to foster growth mindset, self-reliance, and joy.


Welcome to the Carving Club!  We are so glad that you are interested in joining our class. The Carving Club meets weekly for 90 minutes, and class size is limited to eight students.  Each class focuses on a different project that builds on the skills introduced in the previous class.  We will make keychain ornaments and carve dice, fashion foxes and whittle roosters, engineer whistles and build pegboards, all with a knife, a saw, and a drill.  Each project is progressively more challenging, moving from the easy to the difficult, the simple to the complex, and the known to the unknown.  Most importantly, Carving Club seeks to foster intellectual and personal growth, especially building self-reliance, persistence, creativity, love for work, and neatness, all the while having a ton of fun.  

To illustrate how our class teaches both carving and character, take our lesson on making dice.  Students love making toys, and carving sessions often end with kids playing with their new creations.  But along the way they get to develop physical and intellectual abilities and dispositions.  Students get to practice knife grasps that they learned in earlier lessons, thereby building dexterity, confidence, and pride in their work.  They are also given a challenge and asked to problem-solve and make predictions.  “What is the best way to safely and efficiently carve a cube of wood from a stick?”  “How can we ensure that each side is square?”  “How can we measure without a ruler?”  “When finished, do our dice produce truly random results, or are they ‘loaded?’”  “How could we prove whether our dice are loaded?”  “If we know that our dice are loaded, can we guess why they are loaded?”  Our goal is less to carve the dice and more to engender learning habits.

Lessons Involve both group and one-to-one instruction, and every student is encouraged to progress at their own speed.  Projects are finished only when a student feels they are done, and can be worked on for multiple weeks if a student likes.  This allows them to develop their own sense of what is quality work.  Thus each student might be working on a different project in any given class, especially by the end of the two-month session, depending on interests, motivation, and skills.  Each new project is broken down into manageable steps, and each step is illustrated by a model.  “This is what your stick should look like at the end of this step.”  Students are given enough instruction to be efficient and safe, but not so much as to impede development.  I also try very hard not to touch a student’s work, allowing them to develop skills and pride in their efforts.  

At the Carving Club we celebrate our mistakes, as mistakes are how we learn.  If a student finds that their dice are misshapen, what does that teach us?  We try to cultivate both “grit” (the perseverance to pick yourself up after a mistake, learn from it, and improve) and “grace,” (not beating yourself up for making a mistake, but learning from it).  And if a student makes a mistake, maybe they mismeasured a piece and have to discard it, they can contribute to our “Box of Learning.”  “Suzie, did you cut your piece too short?  What did you learn?  If you like, you can sign it and toss it in the Box of Learning!”  

One final thought:  The Western notion that the mind and body are somehow separated is misguided, and Plato’s “world of forms” and Descartes' assertion “I think therefore I am” are, well, unhelpful.  The truth is, we think with our hands.  We learn with our bodies.  Research clearly shows, and has shown for a long time, that thinking is “embodied,” that we learn through our bodies interacting with and manipulating our environment.  If your child likes to doodle, tends to fidget, or gets squirmy when asked to sit down and pay attention, maybe that is them wanting to learn.  So, I hope your children will join us once a week to put down the phones, pick up a knife and a stick, and get to whittling.  

I look forward to carving with your children!

Some practical notes and ground rules.

  • What to bring:
    • Closed-toe shoes are a good idea.
    • Keeping long hair tied back is also helpful.
    • Snacks are encouraged, especially given how hungry kids are after school.
  • Supplies
    • All wood and tools will be provided.  
    • If you would like to buy your child a knife so they can carve at home, I have them for sale.  The knives we use in this class are either the Mora Safe Pro, (MSRP is $13,) or the Mora 120 with the tip ground off (MSRP is $35.)  I also have the Mora 106 and 164 for sale, though I will not be using those tools with this age group.
  • Safety
    • Right from the start we discuss the difference between tools and weapons.  These knives are meant to be tools (and the fact that the knives we use don’t have a tip emphasizes this point.)  We will discuss how our feelings and intentions, for example, anger and the desire to hurt, are what changes a tool to a weapon.  In this class, we are all about joy and creativity.
    • No “jump scares.”
    • No joking about hurting others.
    • No running.
    • No touching anyone who is holding a knife.  
    • If someone is carving, wait until they are done before you walk by them.
    • Knives must be either in a student’s hand or in a sheath.  No knives are left lying around.
    • Injuries.  
      • While we won’t experience the injuries found in organized sports, like bone breaks, concussions, and blown-out knees, kids will occasionally nick themselves.  Normally these are minor cuts, and after a few minutes and a bandaid students are back at it.  A nick is a chance to learn from a mistake.  That said, I am very attentive to proper knife technique and closely monitor my students.
    • Occasionally I will say “put your knives away,” and students will then put their knives in their sheaths.  This is usually followed by some sort of instruction or lesson from me.
    • Occasionally I will shout “Stop!” or “Freeze!” or in some other way indicate my alarm.  At that point, every student in the class immediately stops what they are doing.
    • I insist that kids tell me if they cut themselves.  This is a learning moment, and is nothing to be ashamed of or hide.
    • Some days students might not be in a headspace to carve, especially if they are feeling distracted, angry, or sad.  If that is the case, students will be encouraged to read, draw, color, or perform some other soothing activity. 

Instructor Bio

Eric Goodson (he/him) is a green woodworker and craft educator based out of Newbury, Massachusetts.  He began woodworking and turning in 2013 while also pursuing a career as a high school history teacher, department head, and academic dean.  After twenty-seven years in the classroom, Eric began making and teaching craft full-time in 2022.  As a craft educator, he pays special attention to pedagogy, drawing inspiration from the Slöyd education system in Scandinavian countries that teaches students perseverance, growth mindset, and self-reliance through the process of making.  As a craftsperson, Eric’s work focuses on turning bowls and hand-carving spoons, spatulas, spreaders, and things starting with other letters.  His craft is inspired by British and Scandinavian historical woodenware and is meant to be used daily, hopefully enriching peoples’ routines with functional sculpture.  Eric has studied under craftspeople like Jögge Sundqvist, Robin Wood, Peter Follansbee, Dave Fisher, and Jarrod Dahl, and is an instructor at the North Bennet Street School in Boston, MA, Sanborn Mills Farm in Loudon, NH, and the Fuller Craft Museum in Brockton, MA.  He is a fully-juried member of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen.

A note on Slöyd:

The educational basis for the Carving Club is the Scandinavian Slöyd educational system, established in the mid-nineteenth century and still compulsory in Scandinavian countries today.  While Slöyd was brought to the United States in the early nineteenth century and first taught at the North Bennet Street School in Boston, it has since largely died out in the U.S..  Unlike the “Shop” or “Home Economics” classes of the 1950s American classroom, which were driven by economic imperatives, Slöyd classes are driven by educational and moral imperatives.  Rather than focusing on making more craftspeople, Slöyd tries to instill character and values in students that will serve them in whatever field they pursue.  The outcomes that Slöyd fosters are self-reliance, persistence, resilience, love for work, and neatness.  Slöyd education was ahead of its time in many ways, and modern educational research on topics like “growth mindset” and “grit” back up much of what today’s Scandinavian schools already understand–working with your hands is how we grow our brains.