Thursday, April 23, 2020

Supporting the craft community

In these strange and scary times, I am feeling very fortunate.   While so many are isolated, out of work, and even struggling with their own health, I am feeling pretty secure.  Thankfully, my family and I are in good health.  My wife and I can work remotely, so our income is secure.  We live in a lovely environment where we can get out and exercise.  Stands of birch and beech surround my home; I have more wood than I can imagine and lots of time to turn it into lovely little objects.  I am one lucky guy. 

So, I have been turning and carving a lot these days.  Staying at home allows me to slow down, take the time to refine designs, pursue some new forms (more on that later) and experiment with different paints and finishes.  Honestly, it is all a real luxury.  As a result, I now have a surplus of bowls and spoons, more than my family needs or my friends want.  

I have been planning on selling my work to the public for some time now, but the COVID 19 crisis is making me pause.  While my day job is secure, there are plenty of full-time craftspeople who are really struggling.  They have seen their teaching income dry up, and while some are leading virtual carving lessons and generating great videos to increase visibility, I imagine many are relying on craft sales more than ever.  Maybe now is not the time to open up shop?  Maybe I should just box it all up and wait for another time?  (Not that I am expecting some big rush to buy my bowls...) 

I have started posting my work on this blog under a new tab titled "Craft."  Maybe someday I will put up a "for sale" sign, but not today.  Instead, I think I will support some of my favorite craftspeople.  I hope you will consider doing the same.


  1. As a casual collector of beautiful lathe-turned bowls, I'd love to add a bowl or two of yours to my collection. They're gorgeous and unique! Any chance you'd sell to me? Dawn

    1. Hi Dawn, thanks for your interest. I has luck would have it, I was just talking with my family about what to do with the excess bowls. Happy to send one to live with you. Email me at and we can work something out. Best, Eric
