Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Jogge's Boxes

One of the wonderful parts of the recent course with Jogge was that he brought a bunch of his little boxes.  We got shots of a few, but many more went unphotographed, especially the ones for his tools.  They are charming, colorful and inventive.  His use of color is really interesting (especially on some unphotographed tool cases, were he used complex, muddy greens, something my art friends call "broken greens.")
Jogge's boxes really got me thinking--in fact, they have literally gotten me up in the middle of the night.  So, here are some pics of his boxes, and one that I made quickly to protect my new Nic Westermann twica cam.

First, a sweet little box with a swivel top and a small accompanying salt spoon 
Photo by Alex Jezerski

Next, a box for name cards in the shape of a book.
Photo by Alex Jezerski

Photo by Geoff Chapman

...and a detail of the wedge that keeps the lid from sliding out.

Finally, an amazing box for pencils and the like.  Love the coffin shape and the little Surolle face 
on the top.  The inscription taunts you.  It says something like "Only my heart is open", but opening it 
is a real trick...
Photo by Alex Jezerski
You can just make out the wedge on the end, which must come out first.  Once out, you can then remove
another wedge on the bottom.  This allows a pin to drop out of a hidden hole in the bottom that was locking
the lid in place.  Very clever.  Fooled me first time around.

One design note: Jogge's lids are wedge shaped.  This means there is relatively little friction as they start to
slide into place, and can be snugged up into the final position. 

Finally, here is my first take on a box for my new hook knife.  I used older birch, which was a mistake
as it had a little punky streak running through it.  That part cracked on drying.  I will use it until it breaks
and glue it back together.  Carving and paint to come...


  1. I love these wooden boxes and all the tricks involved.

    Thanks for sharing this!

  2. I wish I had more time up at Greenwood fest to take Jogge's class. I love the book boxes. Do you know, are they carved from a single piece of wood? Is there end grain on the ends of the book?
