
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Mazie's Birthday Bowl

My youngest daughter, Mae, has been on a snail kick lately.  She is drawing them, getting books from the library about them, and hunting for them throughout the garden (they have yet to "hatch," or whatever snails do in the spring, to her great consternation.)  So, for her birthday, we had a bit of a snail theme with the gifts.  She received a very cool knit/felted snail made by a crafty Canadian on Etsy:

With that in mind, here is Mazie's birthday bowl.  Maple, I think, soaked for ten minutes in flax oil/beeswax bath, engraved and painted with "Granny Smith Green" milk paint.

Design profile inspired by Jarrod StoneDahl's Norwegian ale bowls.


  1. Very nice! I love that "dots" on the middle ring.
    And, "Happy Birthday to Mae!" :)

    1. Thanks Eugen. By the way, are you part of the "Spoon Carving, Green Woodworking and Sloyd" Facebook group? If not, you might find it interesting.

    2. Unfortunately, I don't have a Facebook account... and I don't intend to make one soon :)

    3. Fair enough. I understand people's hesitance to use Facebook. That said, it has been very enlightening for me to read posts from Dave Fisher, Robin Wood, Jarrod StoneDahl, and the like. If you reconsider, let me know.

    4. I have to Thank You!!
      because of Your message, I had yesterday my ... F.B. account!
      I was surprised of the big amount of spoons and skilled craftsmen I found there! I felt in love of the extraordinary works of ALANSPOONMAKER and KEITH MATTHEWS !!!
      Research continues :)
