
Monday, December 16, 2013

Elopement Spoons

My dear friend Andy and his new wife Michelle visited us in New Hampshire this weekend.  They were driving back from Nova Scotia, where they had eloped!  I could not be happier for them both.  When I heard that they were coming through our neck of the woods, I dropped everything and started  making them a wedding gift.  I decided on a pair of spoons cut from the same apple branch.  Michelle is a farmer and manages an apple orchard (in fact they were rushing back to PA so she could start pruning the trees for the winter.  Good thing too, as we got a foot of snow in the North East this weekend!) I also turned a porringer for them to share.  I thought it a nice analogy for marriage: two spoons but a single bowl.
In my haste I did not take photos of the bowl, but here are the spoons:

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